推荐一些适合睡觉的纯音乐?我有很多,都很安静很享受,适合睡觉。首先推荐几首班得瑞·班得瑞的歌:snowdreamdleshorizonnanieswonderland the first snowlake SSTarofbaghdadson献给主,主,主,主,主,主,主,主,tgivemeyourhandthewindofchange joanniemadden的爱尔兰风笛:down by the Healey gardens the level plain(/maghseola)johnofglencomeby the hill代替the white rock the twisting of herope homestead the imminglontpinehurst the south wind the black rose secret Garden神秘园:song from a secret Garden of dawndow nofa .
1、推荐一些适合睡前听的纯音乐吧?我有很多,都很安静很享受,适合睡觉。首先推荐几首班得瑞·班得瑞的歌:snowdreamdleshorizonnanieswonderland the first snowlake SSTarofbaghdadson献给主,主,主,主,主,主,主,主。tgivemeyourhandthewindofchange joanniemadden的爱尔兰风笛:down by the Healey gardens the level plain(/maghseola)johnofglencomeby the hill代替the white rock the twisting of herope homestead the imminglontpinehurst the south wind the black rose secret Garden神秘园:song from a secret Garden of dawndow nofa .